Alvin Adjusted

Alvin Goh

Chief Investment Officer

Just like members of an orchestra use different instruments to perform a piece that is greater than the sum of its parts, Alvin learned early on that harmonizing different, even seemingly disparate, elements leads to better outcomes. This is crucial in his work as the Chief Investment Officer for Finexis Asset Management (FAM). Alvin leads the design and development of investment strategies and processes together with the team, integrating systematic and discretionary styles of investment to make a difference.

Just as having the most powerful engine cannot be the only factor in deciding a Formula 1 race, adapting approaches during the process, effective team work and achieving greater control in each race are as crucial to winning. This resonates with Alvin, as he understands that power is nothing without control. FAM puts in place robust risk management while being committed to ongoing innovation in its investment engines.

Alvin started his career in Temasek Holdings’ Fund Management Division as an analyst and later held the position of Portfolio Manager at Fullerton Fund Management, which he joined at its inception. This provided a unique grounding in investing across asset classes and strategies through crises, to steer FAM’s strategies through rain or shine.

Alvin received an MS in Industrial and Management Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2002 and a B.Eng with a minor in Law from the National University of Singapore. Unexpectedly, his academic interest in the workings of complex systems and interdisciplinary studies has positioned him well for the challenges of today’s markets.