In August, Japanese equities suffered their largest decline in 40 years due to the Bank of Japan’s rate hike and a sharp JPY appreciation, triggering sell-offs across global markets such…
‘Markets take the stairs up… and the elevator down.’ Volatility is back with Japan equities at the front and centre: Japan was down 12% on 5 August, the largest down…
Global equity markets had a robust first half, with US equity gains surpassing even optimistic expectations. Economic growth remains positive, offering fundamental support for markets in the second half.
Mr. Market has been particularly schizophrenic in the past 12 months: Fed expectations have swung from 6 (interest rate) cuts to 2 cuts, back to 6 cuts, and then 1.5…
Rather than just looking at February’s performance, an analysis of returns since end-2023 provides a glimpse of what to expect after the era of cheap money.
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